40 Lessons

What the New Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us About Technology, Geopolitics & the Coming Reformation

If recent history has taught anything, it is that humanity now finds itself at a critical junction, a crossroads between an unsettling future and a promising one. 40 Lessons preserves a murmur of how we got to this point, deriving essential wisdom from modern-day pioneers, from farmers who breed insects to engineers who procure water from thin air. The stories and anecdotes laid out across these 40 chapters present lessons both big and small, both personal and general. Together, they lay out an eclectic, engaging roadmap for navigating the ever changing world we inhabit today.

"40 Lessons breaks down how American 'exceptionalism' (the idea that the United States is inherently different from other nations) has broken down. I offer ways to circumvent this impending decline and how to thrive in this changing world," Michel explains.


Seb Alex

Activist/ Public speaker

Chaker Khazaal

Author & Activist

Joe Arida

Founder of La Terre est Folle

Rania Khalek


Matteo El-Khodr

Opera Singer

Roni Helou

Lebanese Designer

Nabil Debs

Founder of ARTHAUS

Philip Bahoshy

CEO and Founder of Magnitt

Maximilian Büsser

Founder of MB&F

Dani Afiouni

Entrepreneur & Adventurer

Farah Nabulsi

Palestinian-British Filmmaker

Sameh Saleh

Founder & CEO, Hawaya

Fatima Al Banawi

Actress & Filmmaker

Dana Al Fardan

Singer/ Songwriter

Abishur Prakash

Geopolitical Futurist

Wade Davis

Anthropologist & Author

Gad Saad

Professor and Author

Soraya Chemaly

Author and Journalist

Kareem Rahma

Media Entrepreneur

Sarah Bahbah

Artist & Photographer

Ahmed Shihab Eldin


Khaled Kteily

Founder of Legacy

Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

Founder of Beyond Borders

Mazen Hajjar

Founder of Hawkers Beer

Syrine Chaalala

Founder of nextProtein

Joe Tabet

Architect, Founder of JT Partners

Elie Habib

Co-Founder & CEO of Anghami

Mariam Yeya

CEO and Founder of Mrs Keepa

Nadine Hachache-Haram

Co-founder and CEO, Proximie

Nafsika Skourti

Jordan-Based Fashion Designer

Salah Tabbara

Co-Founder of Naseem Akkar Windfarms

Sami Tamimi

Executive chef and co-founder, Ottolenghi, London

Adam Baidawi

Deputy Global Editorial Director at GQ

Mario Haddad Jr.

Head of Distribution at Empire Entertainment & Restaurateur

Carl Gerges

Drummer of Mashrouh’ Leila/ Founder of Carl Gerges Architects

Talal Tabbaa

Co-Founder and COO at Jibrel Network and CoinMENA

Jorg Matthias Detterman

Associate Professor and Author of Science Fiction and Islam

Hadley Gamble

CNBC News Anchor and International Correspondent in Abu Dhabi

Angus Blair

CIB Professor of Practice, Business School, The American University of Cairo

Hassan Damluji

Deputy Director of Global Policy & Advocacy at The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and author of ‘The Responsible Globalist’